Guidelines for ZOOM Participation


  • You must be registered to receive the Zoom connection info.  . 
  • If you have not used Zoom before it’s a good idea to test it beforehand. 
  • All participants will automatically be muted upon entry and will not have the ability to share a screen.

Zoom Etiquette:

  • Sit still as much as possible.  Everyone can be seen and movements are distracting.  If you don’t want to be seen, turn off your video.
  • Do not eat on camera.
  • Stay muted. When you are not muted everyone can hear you – including ringing phones, doorbells, side conversations, toilets flushing, and other background noise.
  • You will be asked to unmute yourself if you are scheduled to read a Psalm or Prayer.
  • Don’t muti-task. Observe the same decorum as if you were in a synagogue.

More Zoom Info:

Zoom support is