How to Schedule A Visit to Tree of Life

Many individuals and organizations seek to honor the members of Tree of Life*Or L’Simcha, New Light Congregation and Dor Hadash Congregation who died on October 27th by making a pilgrimage to or otherwise visit the memorial and site at 5898 Wilkins Avenue. We do not expect to control all who wish to honor those we lost by visiting the site.  At the same time, these visits can be poignant moments that you may wish to share with the victim’s families and congregants.  Short notice or a lack of notice can sometimes result in a negative experience (or a lost healing experience) for our congregants and especially our victim’s families. 

In order to limit the burden on the family members and congregants we ask that you complete the following form with as much notice as possible prior to your scheduled visit. In addition, you may call the Tree of Life office at (412) 521-6788 to advise us about your event or planned memorial with as much notice as possible prior to the event. The form is required, however!

If there is to be a plaque or other certificate presented, we request that:

  • If names of deceased are included, each name is to be followed by Z”L [of blessed memory].
  • The name of the three Congregations (Tree of Life*Or L’Simcha, New Light Congregation and Dor Hadash Congregation) be included;

May Their Memory Be a Blessing

NameHebrew NameCongregation
Joyce Fienberg Z”L Yiddis Bultcha bat Aba Menachem Tree of Life*Or L’Simcha
Richard Gottfried Z”L Yosef Ben Hyman New Light Congregation
Rose Mallinger Z”L Raizel bas Avrohom Tree of Life*Or L’Simcha
Jerry Rabinowitz Z”L Yehudah Ben Yechezkel Dor Hadash Congregation
Cecil Rosenthal Z”L Chaim Ben Eliezer Tree of Life*Or L’Simcha
David Rosenthal Z”L Dovid Ben Eliezer Tree of Life*Or L’Simcha
Bernice Simon Z”L Beila Rochel bas Moshe Tree of Life*Or L’Simcha
Sylvan Simon Z”L Zalman Shachna Ben Menachem Mendel Tree of Life*Or L’Simcha
Dan Stein Z”L Daniel Avrom ben Baruch New Light Congregation
Mel Wax Z”L Moshe Gadol Ben Yosef New Light Congregation
Irving Younger Z”L Yitzchok Chaim ben Menachem Tree of Life*Or L’Simcha