Presidents’ Report, March 2025

We say that the Torah is our Book of Laws. We strive each day to live a good life by adhering to the 613 commandments/laws laid out in the Torah and the legal opinions of the Rabbis who wrote the Mishnah and Talmud. Of course, many are irrelevant given the technology of today’s world. But the legal and ethical principle remains: G-d gave us the Law and, therefore, no man or woman is above the law.

So what do we do when our elected leaders choose to ignore the law; when our Courts redefine the law to suit the whims of the Executive; when Congress lays supine allowing free rein to the other branches; and the media – whether print, video or streaming – is controlled by those seeking favor from the Executive? What could the good Jewish German citizens do after Hitler in 1932 disbanded the Reichstag and declared himself Fuhrer; when he declared himself to BE the law? What can we, as good Jewish American citizens, do when the Executive makes up the law and the Courts, Congress and the media stand by silently? Voting has been the bulwark by which we control our political future. But voting is two years away. Can we survive two years?

As a small Conservative congregation, our voices alone are insufficient to have an impact. But speak we must.  We must remain vigilant and use our voices as Americans to stand up to tyranny.

On the other hand, February has been a good month at New Light. Some of the living hostages held by Hamas were returned – alive. Some of the deceased hostages received a proper burial.

On the weekend of February 22nd several good happenings converged.  First, our missing Torah mantle arrived. On the same day, our new Bima covers, paid for by contributions from many members, also arrived.

And on Sunday, February 23rd, we held a Congregation luncheon attended by over 20 memebrs.

It was wonderful to get together and chat and trade stories of family and friends. We will try to make this a quarterly event!

Stephen Cohen & Barbara Caplan