Response to Mass Shootings in El Paso and Dayton
Joint Statement from Congregations New Light, Dor Hadash and Tree of Life*Or L’Simcha
Aug. 4, 2019
All of us feel the pain and loss of loved ones in the senseless murders of innocent people across the nation. We are heartbroken, again, by this weekend’s tragedies in El Paso and Dayton. It was approximately nine months ago that our community was targeted and affected forever by a hate crime.
Last October, these and other cities shared their love and support with the people of Pittsburgh as we lost members of our congregations and cared for others who were injured and survived.
We know first-hand the fear, anguish and healing process such an atrocity causes, and our hearts are with the afflicted families and those communities. We mourn with the families and friends of the victims and all of the survivors in El Paso and Dayton. This epidemic of senseless acts of violence, prejudice and terror must end.